Junior, Middle and High School Pickleball Curriculum

Junior School Pickleball Curriculum (Ages 6-10):

Week 1-2:

  1. Introduction to Pickleball:

    • Students gather in the gymnasium or an outdoor court.

    • The teacher introduces Pickleball, explaining that it's a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong.

    • Students are shown the court layout, the net height, and the equipment (paddles and plastic balls).

    • Safety guidelines are emphasized, such as staying aware of other players, using proper footwear, and being cautious while playing.

  2. Grip and Ready Position:

    • Students practice holding the pickleball paddle with a proper grip, ensuring the wrist is firm but not tense.

    • The teacher demonstrates the ready position, where the students stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and the paddle held in front of them.

  3. Dink Shot:

    • The teacher demonstrates a basic dink shot, which involves softly hitting the ball over the net to the opponent's side.

    • Students practice dinking with a partner, standing close to the net and aiming to keep the ball low and controlled.

  4. Forehand and Backhand Shots:

    • The forehand and backhand shots are introduced and demonstrated by the teacher.

    • Students practice hitting the ball against a wall or backboard, alternating between forehand and backhand strokes.

  5. Serving:

    • The teacher teaches the underhand serve technique, where students hold the ball in their non-dominant hand and use their paddle hand to swing under the ball and send it over the net.

    • Students practice serving to a specific target area on the court.

  6. Mini Games:

    • To make learning more enjoyable, mini-games like "Around the World" (where students take turns hitting the ball to different zones on the court) and "Pickleball Baseball" (where players run bases after successfully hitting the ball) are played.

Middle School Pickleball Curriculum (Ages 11-14):

Week 1-2:

  1. Review and Warm-Up:

    • Students start with a warm-up, incorporating dynamic stretches and footwork drills to prepare for Pickleball activities.

    • Basic skills from the junior school curriculum are reviewed, focusing on refining technique and footwork.

  2. Volleys:

    • The teacher demonstrates and explains the concept of volleys, where players hit the ball before it bounces.

    • Students practice volleying with a partner, gradually increasing the distance between them.

  3. Drop Shots:

    • The technique for performing a drop shot is introduced, emphasizing the importance of soft touch and control.

    • Students practice hitting drop shots from different positions on the court.

  4. Third Shot Drop:

    • The teacher explains the "third shot drop" strategy used in doubles play to regain control of the point.

    • Students practice initiating rallies with a third shot drop, ensuring it lands softly in the opponent's non-volley zone.

  5. Doubles Play:

    • The rules and strategies for doubles play are discussed, including positioning, communication, and covering the court efficiently.

    • Students play doubles matches, rotating partners to experience different playing styles.

  6. Mini-Tournaments:

    • To encourage healthy competition, mini-tournaments are organized where students form pairs or teams and compete against each other.

    • Sportsmanship and fair play are emphasized throughout the tournaments.

High School Pickleball Curriculum (Ages 15-18):

Week 1-2:

  1. Advanced Serving Techniques:

    • The teacher demonstrates various serving techniques, such as topspin and slice serves, to add variation and unpredictability to their serves.

    • Students practice serving with power and accuracy, focusing on consistency.

  2. Power and Control:

    • Students learn to balance power and control in their shots, understanding when to play aggressively and when to maintain a more controlled approach.

    • Drills involve hitting shots with varying pace and accuracy.

  3. Advanced Doubles Strategies:

    • The teacher delves deeper into doubles strategies, including stacking (adjusting court positions based on player dominance) and poaching (crossing the middle to intercept shots).

    • Students practice implementing these strategies during doubles matches.

  4. Net Play and Smashes:

    • Advanced net play techniques, such as blocking volleys and performing overhead smashes, are introduced.

    • Students practice net play scenarios, improving their reaction time and shot selection.

  5. Singles Play:

    • The rules and strategies specific to singles Pickleball are explained, with a focus on maintaining court coverage and exploiting opponents' weaknesses.

    • Students participate in singles matches to develop their individual skills and strategies.

  6. Pickleball Conditioning:

    • To enhance fitness and endurance for Pickleball, students engage in conditioning exercises such as footwork drills, agility exercises, and interval training.

    • Discussions about nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are integrated into the curriculum.

  7. Intra-School Tournament:

    • The high school curriculum culminates in an intra-school Pickleball tournament, where students compete against one another in various categories based on skill levels.

    • The tournament serves as an opportunity for students to showcase their skills, sportsmanship, and passion for Pickleball.